Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mountain Biking - Dirt Ride July 09

The creek was muddy, the hills are steep, especially if you don't get a run at them cause your wheels mud-up, but the view on top of the hill is cool.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Climbing Hills - July 17 2009

About six people on the trail in the 100 degree heat. I took the Fox Portage pack with hydration and it added about 5 lbs to my load and 10 degrees to my backside. Note to self: wait until winter to do the pack thing! I got back in from this 11 mile ride before my tire went completely flat and swithched tubes in the shade in the garage.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Devin and Gma built a gas station and parking lot yesterday. It had "windows" and everything!

A Little of the 12-Mile Ride This Morning

Took some shots of the trail this morning. Climbed up every dirt hill (forgot to hit the camera button) and down every ditch, making it more fun. Wouldn't do this if there was anybody out there to see me crash. The land around the new Victoria H.S. East is parched like the Australian Outback and I could see my tracks from last week.