Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mr Ds Christmas Bike - December 25 2009

Mr D brought his new BMX bike over here on Christmas morning. We all stood out front of the house amazed at how fast he picked up riding this larger bike with a hand brake.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monkey Bars at Deleon School

Mr D played on everything at the Deleon Elementary School playground Saturday morning.

Drop it on me, drop it on me, drop it on me, hey hey.

Garage Sale Bike Ride - Sat Nov 7 2009

Trip to Deleon School about 4.5 mile RT included stopping at at few Garage Sales. Mr. D wanted to look for some larger shoes? Raised his seat up 2" and it seemed like he could ride better. We bought a mechanical drill without a bit for $2 at one and at another got a free Walkie Talkie with Morse Code send, PTT, mic and speaker, but not a partner Talkie to receive the signal. First for me going to garage sales by bicycle.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

BMX Track Tonight November 1 2009

Halloween 2009 Victoria - Who's Under That Mask?

Halloween 2009 Victoria Texas Scarry Monsters

Trick or Treat! Didn't know who Bumble Bee Transformer was until this Halloween. We did not have the turnout expected considering the Colorado weather, 5% humidity, low 70s, and no wind. Don't know where everyone was but we had a great time in our neighborhood.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Seven-Mile Bike Trip with Mr D - Oct 26 2009

We rode 6.85 miles for the second time in a week, Devin on a 12" bike, amazing. Clouds were threatening rain but it didn't do anything while we were out. We definately need a bigger bike so he can ride as far as he wants. Funny that he wore his cowboy boots over to the house so he put on his Crocs on this trip. Devin can kick a bottle on the ground while riding by it on his bike demonstrating his excellent balance. I don't think most 4-yr olds can do that.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mr D and Bike Trail Today

Beautiful day after almost 2 full weeks of 110 degree heat index, it was 75 degrees with a North breeze. This was early in our ride today before we rode up and down a lot of dirt hills, up and down the trail and rode around MHS campus. Days don't get any better than this in Victoria.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rain Mud Sun Ride - Oct 4 2009 MHS

After an extended rain we rode around in the aftermath for a couple of hours. We got in the mud and water over Devin's shoes several times. Then, we rode two miles back to the house to end the ride. It was a fun afternoon!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bicycle - December 1956 at 4-1/2 years of Age

This was a cool find. I didn't even remember having this bike, guess I was too young. Must have been fun!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mr D and his Dad at the BMX Track-Labor Day 2009

Devin and his dad rode at the BMX park today. We were rained out yesterday but returned today after it had dried out. We timed their laps and it was a tie. Devin tried out the largest hill at the park and did it with confidence. He fell pretty hard several times but got right back up and rode some more.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mr Ds first day of BMX at Riverside Park - Victoria

Let's see...what are we going to do today? What about the BMX trail someone said they had at the Park? I had never seen it, but it was cool. About 50 feet from the Guadalupe River with a waterfall nearby for a nice water sound, it was great! Devin did so good for his first time on this type of track I was blown away. He picked it up immediately. Wanted to know if we could go back after lunch he had so much fun. It was so... hot, but I don't think he even noticed.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

International Space Station - Aug 14 2009 6:01 AM

Woke up at 5:45 AM without an alarm for some reason and knew the Space Shuttle was flying over at 6:01 AM, so I grabbed the tripod and Flip and went out on the driveway. Straight overhead for 3 minutes. The moon is the reference point in the clip.

Didn't try to talk to them on the Ham Radio but would like make contact with them someday in the 3-4 minutes you have as they fly over if you can catch them when they aren't busy.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Riding Down is Easy - 40 sec at 100+ deg

After trying to go up this hill in July I decided it was lot easier to approach it from the sloped side of the hill and go down into the ditch. When I get better I will try to go up it from the hardest side. Cool 40 second downhill ride for a place in the flatlands.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mountain Biking - Dirt Ride July 09

The creek was muddy, the hills are steep, especially if you don't get a run at them cause your wheels mud-up, but the view on top of the hill is cool.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Climbing Hills - July 17 2009

About six people on the trail in the 100 degree heat. I took the Fox Portage pack with hydration and it added about 5 lbs to my load and 10 degrees to my backside. Note to self: wait until winter to do the pack thing! I got back in from this 11 mile ride before my tire went completely flat and swithched tubes in the shade in the garage.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Devin and Gma built a gas station and parking lot yesterday. It had "windows" and everything!

A Little of the 12-Mile Ride This Morning

Took some shots of the trail this morning. Climbed up every dirt hill (forgot to hit the camera button) and down every ditch, making it more fun. Wouldn't do this if there was anybody out there to see me crash. The land around the new Victoria H.S. East is parched like the Australian Outback and I could see my tracks from last week.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The large Rhyolite outcrop above Indian Lodge

Hiking at Indian Lodge Fort Davis Texas

Some kids were running up to the top of this trail to scale the mountain the night before. We walked up!

Fort Davis Hiking

This trail is right behind the lodge and goes up hill to some nice views and rocks!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Big Bend Homer Wilson Ranch Site - March 25 2009

Group arriving from the road at the old Homer Wilson Ranch site with the big horizontal oak tree that was in the old pictures of the ranch.

Hiking Big Bend March 25 2009

On the trail leaving Homer Wilson's house and going up over the hill and back down the arroyo to Cattail Falls area.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Group at Oak Spring Tree 3-26-09

I think everyone in our group is in this video at Oak Spring under the Big Tree that has been there a very long time. Good place to take a break before proceeding to Cattail Falls.

Cattail Falls Hike in Big Bend with Archie and Mike

Our first hike the first morning together up to Cattail Falls past Oak Spring. Deb and I were hiking with Mike and Archie.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Biking - January 18 2009

Daddy has a new trailer hitch on his 2008 Honda Civic Si and we got some good use out of it this weekend hauling 2-Bikes on Saturday and 3-Bikes today up to the Victoria Memorial High School to ride. Oh, there was 12" Bike in the trunk, too!
We rode 7.5 miles on Saturday and 6.5 miles today. Devin's equivalent would be to multiply that by about 2.17X and you could see how we wore him out playing follow-the-leader (he is always the leader) and hide-and-seek.